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BIC In Cuba

Brethren In Christ Church – Cuba

In 1954 the Brethren in Christ began evangelistic work in Cuba. Soon a church was planted in Cuatro Caminos, near Havana, with extension contacts in several other areas. North American missionaries departed in 1960. Despite challenging circumstances, the Brethren in Christ Church in Cuba was alive and growing under the direction of committed Cubans brothers and sisters.Soon, a second congregation, in Nazareno, was officially recognized by the government.

Since 1976, there have been occasional visits to the Cuban churches by North American and Nicaraguan Brethren in Christ church leaders and mission administrators. While missionaries will likely not return to Cuba, evangelistic and nurture visits from other Brethren in Christ conferences provide encouragement and support. New leadership has emerged beginning in the mid-1990s that has brought renewed life and vitality.

Did you know?

  • Cuba was the second landing spot for Christopher Columbus in 1492.
  • Since 1959 all religious or ethnic festivals have been banned in Cuba.
  • Less than 5% of Cuba’s population attends church–the lowest percentage for any country in the Western Hemisphere. Most have no real understanding of the gospel.
  • Cuba is home to the world’s smallest hummingbird, the zunzuncito.

Today about to six thousand people gather across Cuba to worship in BIC churches every week. According to Cuban Brethren In Christ Church, the church’s plan is to plant urban churches in the major city of each region across the island. In these populated centers, emerging churches will have a better prospect for self-sufficiency because of higher median levels of education and income.

Cuba's proviences.Cubans hunger for relationships with other true believers and struggle against historic, cultural and economic stumbling blocks when building a truly spiritual church. Yet the seeds of faith planted so long ago continue to bear fruit as committed Cuban Christians forge on in their quest to know God and introduce Him to their neighbors.

Some information on this page were used from:

BIC Church Cuba: Fast Facts

  • Began: 1954
  • Organized Congregations (Including House Churches): 156
  • Members: 6,217
  • Weekly Attendance: 6,000 – 7,000

Brethren In Christ Church in Cuba Contact Info.

President Luis Bermudez and Family.jpg


Luis Alberto Hermanos Bermudez

CCPT Project Treasurer

Yanet Gonzalez

Official Translator

William Consuegra